Hermit’s Rest is as far west as we could get in the park without a back-country permit. It’s only accessible by walking or taking the shuttle buses from downtown Grand Canyon. We played our hand well, getting out early ahead of the crowds. We hopped off and on the bus, taking in the vistas along the route. In all, we probably hiked about half of the 7+ mile route.
Hermit’s Rest itself is a stone structure built right on the canyon rim. It was once inhabited by lucky people. Now, it’s a gift shop. Past the structure proper, Curtis and I went west a ways and over the rim. We went about a half hour down the trail towards the Colorado River. We had planned a longer hike, but the sign at the trail head titled “If You Encounter a Mountain Lion” put us off a bit. (The sign offers this helpful suggestion: IF ATTACKED, FIGHT BACK.” Okay then.) Hiking with a child, I’m suddenly on full alert.
One of the tough things about being a parent (besides the unanticipated role of Mountain Lion Defender) is I don’t get to take advantage of optimal lighting, or – like Ansel Adams – sit for half a day in one place waiting for the perfect shot. So here I am, shooting Grand Canyon at midday. Still… it’s Grand Canyon. Wow!
One famous person is immortalized in this shot.
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