Hopi Point is another of the fantastic lookouts along the route from downtown Grand Canyon to Hermit’s Rest. After a couple days looking at these vistas, my brain overloads and I start looking at the micro rather than the macro. At Hopi Point, the small-scale item that catches my eye is the surreal railing that prevents me from falling into the canyon. (Or would it…?)
My fixation leads to a panorama including the crazy railing, and it really wasn’t a good idea. Even after I fixed all the problems stitching a complex item close to the camera, it still doesn’t look real. It is. The railing at Hopi Point is really that goofy.
One famous person is immortalized in this shot.
Warning/Guarantee/Disclaimer: This is a big, multi-resolution panorama. It may take a while to load. For amazing detail, try viewing it full-screen.